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IDD Therapy – Spinal Decompression – New treatment for bulging herniated and slipped discs

Well it’s here! Our IDD Therapy Spinal Decompression machine arrived two weeks ago. We feel very excited to be in the position to bring this IMG_3253fantastic new treatment for sciatica, back and neck pain to Brentwood and the surrounding areas. We are one of only 16 clinics offering this service in the UK.

IDD Therapy

Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy is the successful and trusted non-surgical spinal decompression treatment for back pain, neck pain and related conditions such as sciatica. We will become the 16th clinic in the UK to offer this exciting new treatment and we are very excited!

Most spinal problems are as a result of a problem at a specific level, for example L5/S1 in the lower back. IDD Therapy can target the specific level and gently distract (draw apart) the segments of the spine by up to 5-7 millimetres, taking pressure off the joints, discs and nerves.

Because IDD Therapy is computer-controlled it can sense resistance in your spine (muscle spasm) and adjust the forces slowly and gently to achieve a comfortable and painless stretching of your injured area.

Benefits of IDD Therapy 

Improved Disc Rehydration – The treatment creates a negative pressure at the targeted disc promoting the movement of water, oxygen and nutrients into the disc which are required for improved hydration and repair of the degenerative (worn) disc.IDD Therapy Lumbar Treatment

Decompression of Disc – Decompressing (taking pressure off) an injured or bulging disc may reduce any pressure or irritation to nerves. This may result in a reduction or resolution of back and neck pain and sciatica.

Decreased Muscle Spasm – IDD Therapy additionally promotes improved mobility in the spine through decreasing muscle spasm and the stretching of the soft tissues, this facilitates the body’s natural healing mechanisms to operate more efficiently.

Increased Spinal Flexibility – Stretching of the joint and soft tissues in conjunction with a reduction of muscle spasm and pain will result in increased mobility of the spine.

Reduction in disc bulge size – In some instances IDD therapy has led to a visible reduction in size of disc bulge when comparing before and after MRIs.

Why choose IDD Therapy?

In one study 86% of IDD Therapy participants experienced a positive response from their treatment.

IDD Therapy should be considered if you have back or neck pain and have tried various other treatments without success.

You should consider IDD Therapy if:

  • Your current treatment is not working
  • You want to stop taking painkillers
  • You are seeking long-term pain relief
  • You want to return to normal daily activities
  • You are looking to avoid surgery

IDD Therapy is effective for the following conditions: 

  • Chronic back and neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Referred arm pain (Radiculopathy)
  • Trapped or irritated nerves
  • Bulging, herniated or slipped discs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Spondylosis (arthritis of the spinal joints)
  • Facet joint disease

Our thoughts on IDD Therapy

“The use of manipulation and hands on techniques combined with correction of posture, movement faults and core stability can help most people with spinal pain; however some patients need something a little extra to help them feel better. With IDD we can precisely target the spinal segments in a safe, gentle manner to help patients in a way which is not possible with our hands or with traditional mechanical treatments” Clinic Director Dan Smith BSc (Hons) Phys MCSP

There are only 16 IDD Therapy providers in the UK. Here are some links to what their patients have said about the treatment.

 Want to know more?

Please call 01277 219553 or  email: