No More Neck Pain

If you suffer with acute or chronic neck pain you will understand the physical and emotional distress this can cause; lack of sleep, inability to focus on tasks, pain when relaxing as well as when active.

We completely understand what you are going through and have helped many thousands of people get over their pain and return to a normal fully functional life.

Neck pain (with or without referred pains into the arms or head) is normally as a result of inflammation/strain/stress affecting the spinal discs, joints, ligaments, muscles or nerves.

Shoulder & Neck Pain


The causes of neck pain are usually multifactorial. The physical reasons can include bulging or herniated discs, degenerative changes, joint arthritis (Spondylitis) however there are non- physical factors that can contribute including stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, occupation, hobbies/interests and social drivers such as income and home life.


Neck pain can persist for years however with the correct treatment it is very manageable and often curable. With the correct input it is possible to see a change within a few weeks but most problems begin to improve within 6-12 weeks.

Treatment Programme

  • Neck care advice/education
  • Manage pain – Medication / Ice / Acupuncture
  • Manual therapy and manipulation to ease the pain and to restore normal joint motion
  • Acupuncture to help with pain management
  • IDD Therapy see our IDD therapy page
  • Soft tissue work to release tight muscles or trigger points if required
  • Taping of shoulder girdle
  • Analysis of posture in various settings
  • Ergonomic assessment and recommendations
  • Progressive exercise programme to include:
    Postural , proprioceptive and co-ordination exercises
    Focused retraining and strengthening of muscles that help to support the head, neck and shoulders
  • Retraining of movement patterns – running coaching re-education
  • Functional/Sport specific rehabilitation
Patient Undergoing Analysis

We have 4 programmes we use for the treatment and rehabilitation of neck pain

Silver (for straight forward pain or new onset/first time symptoms)
Treatment: Treatment is normally carried out over a 8 week period and requires approximately 6 sessions.
Gold (for more complex or longer term cases) 16 weeks
Treatment: Treatment is normally carried out over a 3-4 month period and requires approximately 12 sessions.
IDD Therapy
Treatment: Treatment is normally carried out over a 6 week period and requires approximately 20 sessions.
IDD Therapy Plus
Treatment: Treatment is normally carried out over a 3-4 month period and requires approximately 24 sessions.

Patient Undergoing Neck Treatment

Review / Reassessment

At Week 6 or 12 we review progress and plan next steps – this may include discharge with self maintenance advice and home exercise or continuation with your treatment programme (more challenging exercises, work or sport specific input). Treatment intervals at this point normally occur every 2-4 weeks

Important Information

Rehabilitation is not a quick fix and can be longer due to age, length of symptoms, and the extent of degeneration and weakness. It is very important that you attend your treatment sessions as suggested by your therapist and follow through with your re-assessment. The recommendations in this action plan are based on your individual condition and examination.

Next Steps / Options

Want to know more? Then please download our Information guide “The sports and spinal definitive guide to neck pain”.

Next Steps: Use one of our 4 options below to get started...

What Our Patients Say

Lindsey 34 Hutton, Essex “I was in 10 out of 10 back pain... now after my treatment I am feeling much better and am back in the gym using the cross trainer and stair master again”
Jane 38 Brentwood, Essex “I was suffering from debilitating headaches 3 times a week... the hands on treatment was really good even after the first session I felt amazing! Now I feel fantastic!”
Mark 41 Langdon Hills, Essex “You isolated the problem to damage in my lower disc... It’s now hugely better and I am back to football”


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