About Us
At Sports and Spinal Physio we aim to provide solutions to our customers experiencing loss of function and quality of life due to pain or injury of the neuromusculoskeletal system.

The Sports and Spinal Physio Difference
All our staff embrace and work to the same philosophy. This philosophy is based on sound scientific values and principles and puts managing movement at the heart of the matter and underpins our staff training and staff development, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of you.
It enables you to be seen by any clinician at our clinic safe in the knowledge that what you receive will be the same type and quality of treatment regardless of the staff member.
Our approach is what makes Sports and Spinal Physio different. We have the skills to treat the symptoms but identifying the cause that underpins the symptoms is what makes our approach different.

Our Approach
Physiotherapy has changed and evolved over the years, driven by many factors including but not limited to; NHS costs, scientific research, public demands and the blending of other therapies such as osteopathy and chiropractic.
At Sports and Spinal Physio we follow the science but haven’t forgotten that some more traditional treatments still have a role to play. We have a unique approach, and believe that pain is just the tip of the iceberg and that at unless we deal with what lies beneath the surface you will not make the best recovery possible.
The postures, movements and habits that you use for everyday life, sport and exercise can lead to stress and strain and aches and pain. The onset of pain causes impaired daily function, anxiety, fear and even depression.
Although each of our clinician has their own specialist interest they are all very competent assessing, treating and rehabilitating all musculoskeletal conditions in accordance with the ‘Sports and Spinal Physio approach’.
From the outset we wanted to ensure that all the team at Sports and Spinal Physio worked to an agreed ethos or philosophy. This means that the patients attending for treatment are assured, that each clinician provides the same level of service, skill, application and approach.
The ‘Sports and Spinal Physio approach’ has a very strong bias towards optimising movement health. We know from the science that people in pain move less efficiently, are weaker around painful areas and have difficultly sustaining efficient and optimal postures.
As such you will be required to participate in a rehabilitation programme that will include specific progressive exercise drills (that are often very challenging for your brain!). It is this approach that has enabled many of our patients to recover from their problems and return to work, the sport/interests they love or just back to living their life again.
We still believe that a hands on approach is required with our patients. Hands on therapy helps to lessen and alleviate pain, loosen stiff joints and soft tissues, which in turn allows you to move and function more freely with greater confidence.
Patient Education
Patient education also plays a big part in how we help you. Learning about your problem, and understanding the causes and triggers can help you recover fast and prevent recurrence. The psychological aspects of pain are complex but it are equally important to recognise and understand if you are to progress and get better. We can help you with this too, as all our staff have a very good grasp and understanding in this area (see our pain and sensitivity video series).
Staff Training and Continuing Professional Development
Our Staff undergo a rigorous induction programme and continue to undergo 2 hours of internal training every week. This ensures that they are able to assess and treat patients in accordance to our own strict Sports and Spinal Physio guidelines ensuring high quality evidenced based clinical service with continuity of care.
Every week we also set aside time to discuss our patient lists, this allows us to problem solve together and ensure that we are all delivering the best treatment we can for you.
In addition to this our staff are given help to fund external courses that help to further their clinical knowledge and skills.
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